Kurata Tsubasa is not your average citizen. Sure, he’s a genius programmer and software engineer, but as far as he’s concerned, his most important trait is that he’s a hardcore mecha nerd. So, what happens when you take that nerd and reincarnate him into a fantastic world of swords and sorcery? Well, you’d think he’d be disappointed…but this world has magical giant robots!
Obviously, Tsubasa—reborn as Ernesti Echevalier—now wants to devote his life entirely to these wondrous pieces of technology. But how exactly can young Ernie achieve his ultimate goal of getting his very own mech? He’ll have to rely on his imagination, uninhibited by the common sense of this new world, as well as his extreme dedication and focus! He also might just find help in the form of a rather interesting quirk…
Associated Names
Knights and Magic
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mecha, Romance, School Life, Seinen
Translation Group
Official J-Novel Club
Vol 1-2 epub/pdf
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Don’t know about official translation but in fan translation pacing in this one was horrible, main protagonist goes from little kid to God mode in first 100 pages of the book, and then it’s just one “wiping of the earth whole civilization event after another” where our God and savior main protagonist breeze trough it without breaking a sweat for 4 or 7 volumes.
Main Protagonist is bland, single minded, and acts like a child in a toy store, making the matter worse is the plot that seems like this world was tailor made for our main hero to be his own personal sandbox where he can do whatever he wants and the rest of the crew is there for the sake of being there.
The book is like worse anime version of Pacific Rim, with worse fighting sequences, worse plot, worse characters, and not much of a mech combat because in movie fighting sequences at least look spectacular, in book not so much to justify wasting so much time for so little.
I guess manga ver was much more fun than LN ver then.
Omfg, I thought this series went into the MTL ether and was forever lost.
Wait what? didn’t this got a PDF before, or am I just imagining things?
If there was it was probably a fan/machine translation. This is the official translation now.