“Hey! I’m an evil god, but I’m not actually evil!”
Those were the first words I heard in the afterlife.
My name’s Naofumi Kamiya, and my entire class died in a tragic bus accident. The god told my classmates that he would transport all of us to a dangerous new world, but he created skills for us on request, so maybe he was actually a good god?
That’s what I thought at first, anyway. But when it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! I feel bad for my classmates who thought that gimmicky skills would make them invincible. I mean, the god did warn them that there were no cheat skills! Oh well.
As for myself, I’m enjoying my life with my childhood friends, putting safety first and staying out of trouble. After all, this world might seem like a game, but it’s not. It’s reality.
Associated Names –
Isekai Teni, Jirai Tsuki.
Transition to Another World, Landmines Included
Genre –
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Slice of Life
Translation Group
Official J-Novel Club
Vol 1-8 epub/pdf
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Thx for volume 8!
When will we get vol 8 ?
Can we please get Volume 8? Thanks!
The first novel feels to be primarily slice of life, and everything else a far second. No conflict worth mentioning, no fascinating new bend in plot or new twist in worldbuilding, and incredibly large info dumps that feels like inundated exposition. There is just so much that can be skipped and not missed. Entire pages can be passed by, and learn that the only thing I missed was their need for a hoe to bury excrement. It reads like an exercise of the mundane. And let’s not get even started on the main characters! What tripe!
I read volume one and it got me snoozing the author goes about pointless stuff for too long and they gimp their own fantasy world with all this pesky realism. I’m like damn what can we even do in this world? are we to hear the exciting tales of a wage slave supporting a normal family a fantasy world… Count me out. Then there’s the bossy girl, I don’t really mind her all that much but… although come to think of it she’s basically the realism dealer, anyway she has too much presence, I legit think she should be the MC since the real MC just follows her around like a lost pup… I guess it has potential also 7 volumes wow, but I don’t think it’s for me.
The download process has gone completely bonkers. A double timer was already pushing things but now you can’t get to the download without going trough like 5 popups. Totally out of hand this is.
Volume 7’s up. Please update. Thank you. 🙂
Regarding your second point, I do have to wonder about that.
As full adults that have been more deeply indoctrinated into the culture, you may have more of a point. However, as minors this is a different story.
Lord of the Flies was an example of how a group of young people can devolve into chaos without someone more grounded in civility (essentially, adult supervision) there to keep things in check. Add the fact that we’re talking about high-schoolers, many of whom may be in that “rebellious” stage where they think they know everything already, and there’s more incentive to let go of the former societal values that have been shoved down their throats by the adults around them.
The fact that they are Japanese could add more fuel to the fire. Culturally, they are constantly pressured to conform and not make waves and “get along,” which is largely just at the surface level. as the concept of honne and tatamae (true vs public feelings and behaviors) are a MUCH bigger thing in Japan and many other Asian countries than in western countries. Strip those societal restraints off, and it’s easy to see how many can just go off the rails and let their inner asshole run rampant, for better or worse.
Overall a decent LN, there were some parts that needed improvement; mainly the over-explanation of useless things that are irrelevant to the story, you can skip over the parts where it starts ‘In japan…’ or ‘I feel…’. In another, I guess this is my biased opinion but I’m really peeved by the MC to the point that I don’t want him to ever dialog with everyone else, I find everyone else enjoyable though. The MC has stupid opinions that should have never even left his mouth, he’s lazy, pessimistic, complacent and, ignorant. The worst thing is, I don’t see him ever wanting to improve (Again this is my biased opinion). I find the novel enjoyable at the least while praying the MC never talks. Why are the moderators not accepting true reviews
Overall a decent LN, there were some parts that needed improvement; mainly the over-explanation of useless things that are irrelevant to the story, you can skip over the parts where it starts ‘In japan…’ or ‘I feel…’. In another, I guess this is my biased opinion but I’m really peeved by the MC to the point that I don’t want him to ever dialog with everyone else, I find everyone else enjoyable though. The MC has stupid opinions that should have never even left his mouth, he’s lazy, pessimistic, complacent and, ignorant. The worst thing is, I don’t see him ever wanting to improve (Again this is my biased opinion). I find the novel enjoyable at the least while praying the MC never talks.
Read up to vol 2
The plot and progression is quite decent, the characters and interaction is decent-enough, as well as the overall premise being actually interesting.
There are no modern landmines. The landmines are more of a metaphysical thing.
Anyway, it is a decent read, and i do not understand why quite a few of the other comments are bashing this LN.
For me, the only thing that made me go “ugh.” is the 1-3 times per volume when the author inserted a dig at european/non-japanese swords. It goes like this “Unlike japanese swords, his sword was designed to be used for blunt force” and similar while describing a normal european broadsword.
Its a very niche pet peeve, but the author seems to like to insert this completely false trope of a thing about swords.
The setting is really great with exactly the right amount of realism, but the MC is really annoying. The author also writes about pointless stuff way too detailed, so it gets boring rather quicky. It has huge potential, but I’m not sure if I should continue reading past the first volume.
I’m still in vol. 2. Seeing the cover and title I thought that was a comedy LN. Luckily(?) it isn’t. It’s more the typical Isekai where a group of friends, instead of one person, works for their living as adventurers and faces some hardships. There is no further goal, just survive and work hard.
Really annoying was the messed up timeline. This is not a web novel but an edited light novel and even a translation, correct? Did nobody recognize this? In vol. 1 they spend at least six weeks doing stuff realistically more likr 8 weeks, though (definitive time used is 2 weeks herb collecting, 2 weeks fruit collecting + additional training + hunting + drying stuff, a few days off and so on). In vol. 2 at the beginning it says they are there for 4 weeks a few pages farther in they find one of their classmates in the forest and it suddenly is only 2 weeks they are there. That’s really sloppy.
Also the authors general knowledge is a bit “imperfect”, meaning not fully correct especially when it comes to stuff from Europe. Other things, he obviously looked up at Wikipedia, which is also unrealistic, that a high schooler knows the exact data of stuff in their head.
In general so far I enjoy to read it despite such annoying flaws, though.
A small update. The series still has this annoying consequential errors like it says they have slain 30 Orcs and a few pages further it’s 80 since the author must have recognized that 30 was way too low after what happened and was said before. So why wasn’t the 30 changed? Also the translations looks like it has been written on a smartphone or tablet since it has the typical spelling errors you get from auto correction on those mobile devices. It also means that nobody really cared about proofreading.
What I really don’t like in a story where the whole class is transported to another world that most of them, especially the guys, turn into evil rapists or manic killers. That makes no sense at all. Those people were socialized in Japan and should act accordingly, they might just adopt a little to the new surrounding and become more rough but should keep their general values. This is almost a trope at this point since it happens in many novels but it just doesn’t make any sense, like at all. On the contrary, in “reality” they would try to care for each other and try to protect each other and even if there was a narcist among them he would be shut down by the group.
Besides those points I still enjoy reading the series.
Became terrorist in another world.
No. The landmine has a different meaning than you think.
It feels very forcibly contrived. like whatever thing that should be logically be wrong is right when the MC says it like it’s supposed to be common sense. The author is way to insistent that it feels forced.
Have read the first volume some time ago. First and foremost, the comments here are perhaps a tad brutal and incorrect as far as my personal experience and preferences goes anyways.
For anyone interested in trying it out or so, the landmines here are metaphorical but still pretty much landmines.
The author as far as I can tell has also done a relatively good job in overall. The novel of course can still be better but as is is plenty good still I’d say. The story is compelling and generally seemingly well thought out or has been thought up better than most if you ask me, same with the characters or at least some of them if ever. The author has–If I can recall it right–tried to approach it in a more sensible and mundane manner of which I think they did pretty well. I said sensible and mundane but don’t let that turn you off, could also just be having troubles with properly describing it and such but yeah, it doesn’t necessarily mean that this is boring. For me, it was interesting enough and relatively enjoyable.
Again, sensible and mundane. To me, this seems to be better than most or from what I’ve read thus far anyways. Seems to be relatively more real, more relatable. As stated by others, No OP characters, none thus far anyways if ever and if I am recalling the first volume right. Given the usual selection, this is a breath of fresh air actually. Can be all over the place and such still but if my memory serves me right, this novel in overall should be worth a try. It fairly has a solid hold with itself as well as the author with how they are going at it.
Oh and it ain’t as trashy as the others here make it out to be if not actually a great piece relatively speaking. Don’t really know how to personally rate it, maybe 50/50 or 30/70 with the higher number being within the higher percentile. Again, personally worth a try as far as volume 1 seemed to have been to me.
You smell that ? That’s right that’s the smell of trash.
And I’m the garbage man baby.
mhmmm trashy~, just the way I want it
Why naofumi here 😂
I was expecting literal land mines, I am very disappointed.
You already read it? Anyway it would be a lame gimmick that wouldn’t provide more than initial bit of fun so is it really a bad thing if it’s more of a metaphorical “landmines”?
I’m reading i now:
If you wan’t a story about a doormat and his friend circling around a bitchy queen bee know it all, then this is for you.
It started out ok and I liked the realism but I was also disappointed about the lack of OP’ness. It all went down hill as soon as the stuck up childhood friend was introduced who took over everything and reduced the make characters to dumb ass doormats. The main character was actually making intelligent decisions before that.
The author also is clearly deeply asleep as one of the sheeple.
Update: it got better in the following volumes. Things are better balanced now and I’m actually looking forward to reading the current volume (6).
Yeah, my disappointment is immeasurable, but my day is yet to be ruined.