Her Majesty’s Swarm

Our protagonist is a college student who enjoys playing as the evil-aligned faction Arachnea in her favorite real-time strategy game. One day, she finds herself in a world similar to the one in the game; additionally, her body is now that of a fourteen-year-old girl. While things are a bit different from how they were in the game, one element has remained the same: she is the leader of the Arachnea. The insects under her control, collectively known as the Swarm, praise her and implore her to lead them to victory.

In order to survive, she raises her Swarm and forms friendly relations with the elves of the neighboring forest. But after a slaver traveling through the forest murders one of her Swarm and the nearby kingdom’s knights burn down the elven village and massacre its people, she prepares to launch her counterattacks in the name of revenge.

However, revenge is merely a pretense for attacking the countries of this world. Her command is masterful and severe, as one who has played the game in real life…

Associated Names –
Joou Heika no Isekai Senryaku
Isekai Zerg Queen
Joou Heika no Isekai Strategy

Genre –
Action, Horror

Translation Group
Official J-Novel Club

Vol 1-4 epub/pdf
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Comments 24

  • If I can recall it right, in the first place, she’s kinda a loner type or at the very least don’t have that much attachment to other people around her. She mainly played games of which where her attention and adoration had gone. On that note, I’d say she’s neutral evil and not evil evil. Despite seemingly being over the top and nonesensical, with little to no morality, I can still see some actual reasons behind her actions and motives. Just have to read between the lines is all. Personally think she aint as bad as people here have made her out to be, though she isn’t exactly good either of course but yeah, like the only real genocide she’d got a hand in was with the first kingdom, the rest were arguably justifiable and not necessarily her fault or not entirely anyway. Plus with the first kingdom, as far as I can recall, she did had a viable reason and premise behind it all though a bit over the top but yeah.

  • this is more like command and conquer, not really overlord smh

  • why people comparing this to overlord ? please don’t this is not overlord about conquer then plotting.

    this based on zurg Starcraft all it need is masacre for the horde, she is the core of zurg hive mind.

  • Bunch of weaklings that can’t stand a massacre of humans, be it a saint or sinner…
    This is my shit.

  • Hellsing + Overlord.

  • To be fair instead of this one just go play zerg part of SC1-2 much better character development, far greater scale, and so on just do that, or go read overlord all over again regarding what are you trying to find in this one.

    Light novel as a whole is a time consumer but this one is a complete utter waste of time.

    And as human suprematist this will end one way: extinction of either humans or elves and swarm, and believe me humans are just too well balanced to die out to just one strategist which by the way can be quite possibly be assassinated.

  • Is there any other reads or manga like this like command a army of monsters against the world

  • That was interesting, albeit too rushed to some extent but from my perspective was within reason still. Characters (Support Characters) came and went just like the wind with a few exceptions. I’m anxiously waiting for the next volume to come here…That said, I’m both scared and am looking forward for it. Though I was a bit exasperated upon knowing her blunder that should have been clear enough but understandable, it happens.

  • That was interesting, albeit too rushed to some extent but from my perspective was within reason still. Characters (Support Characters) came and went just like the wind with a few exceptions. I’m anxiously waiting for the next volume to come here…That said, I’m both scared and am looking forward for it.

  • Ainz was a normal guy, but when the game became real and he was turned to an undead, he lost his humanity. He is evil but not because he needs to be, the same as in this story. Ainz is literally a god in the world and he does not need to kill anyone, but he does so anyways.

  • @Winter She didn’t have to be a good person in the end but being illogically evil is just bad writing. She was a normal person before this so to have her commit genocide without any trigger is just weird and it’s also boring.

    It’s boring because it means her character development is empty. It doesn’t matter what she says does. She exists only to be a trigger for the swarm and nothing else.

    Take as a compersion Overlord. Ainz is NOT a hero. He helps people only out of curiosity but will also lure people to their deaths for the sake of experiments. But there is reason to his evil and he still only acts within reason. There is also a specific reason he loses most of his moral hesitation.

    You can’t just make the MC evil for the sake of being evil. You need to make it more interesting than that or it’s just gore fetish junk.

    • Ainz was a normal guy, but when the game became real and he was turned to an undead, he lost his humanity. He is evil but not because he needs to be, the same as in this story. Ainz is literally a god in the world, he does not need to kill anyone. But he does so anyways.

    • Pardon me but I’ve just finished reading the 1st volume in the LN and thought that it wasn’t that unreasonable though exaggerated as it might be for the MC to have done what she has done.

      The MC like Ainz saved (used) the elves under the premise of experiments, so to are the few humans that didn’t die (spared?) though they were better off dead really.

      On the note of being evil for the sake of being evil, do take care not to forget that: Firstly, the race that she so loved and adorned and now had led once more even more so were inherently evil to begin with–being a swarm that seeks extermination not domination. Ainz was mainly planning on Domination, though his servants and even him if need be would lay waste to entire nations probably but not like the swarm with hivemind or the such. Second, she was under the influence of the swarm and hivemind as she have said–I think it was the collection something??? Thirdly, war broke out due to her anger (disgust over the humans particularly that of the Kingdom of whatchacallit) and possibly grief for the poor treatment of the elves–note how they don’t differ that much from the slaves and poachers in terms of prejudice against the elves. Note that they listened to unsavory men and the likes without thinking about it, attacked the elves with any mercy, and act under the premise of the so called God of Light. Note that they had a lot of corrupt people in place, and someone of unknown power pulling the strings from the shadows even. Fourth, note that she was acting under the premise of it still being more or less similar to the game that she had known and that she was fond of those two elven kids particularly–given how the boy died so without any mercy.

      In overall, it wasn’t that outlandish for her to end up slaughtering a whole kingdom, it was already set though perhaps without much of the normal preps it should have taken. Note, that she already had a starting somewhat decent base and army to work with that can also easily grow. Also take note that sooner or later, war would easily broke out given her race traits and nature as well as the surrounding nations being under the God of Light’s influence already. It was already indirectly explained and set, the war and her actions.

      Sorry if this is hard to read and messy btw, in any case, not much is wrong her from my perspective. I hope everyone just enjoys this though this mostly appeals to those with much darker minds so to speak.

  • No idea why some people are surprised that she ends up being evil.
    She leads a swarm of single minded murderous spider-like entities.
    Did anyone really think that this is going to be some happy slice of life story?

  • Awesome novel, thanks for it

  • one of bad isekai
    I mean… isekai into demon is okay but at least retain some morality.

    this MC is turn completely evil with no trace of morality left.

  • The novel has a lot of potential considering it was inspired from real time strategy game like StarCraft however the development was so fast that it ruins the whole plot build up

  • Does this have a Web novel version??

  • @feli, i agree mate. this is a kind of novel which emo back then will love.

  • Wow this is bad, too much rush to get to the war part they skipped all the buildup, she cries over 1 kid dying then she goes off to murder a whole country of them, even had a bit with a little girl crying for her mommy as she was about to die, its just a disgusting novel

  • Overlord x Kumo desu ga Nani ka?

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