Sakura Dormitory is a dorm of the high school affiliated with Suimei University of the Arts (often shortened as Suiko), which hosts the strangest, trouble-making students. After being kicked out of the normal dorm for keeping a stray cat, Sorata Kanda moves into Sakura Dormitory. As he starts to get used to
Associated Names –
Sakura-sō no Petto na Kanojo
The Pet Girl of Sakura Hall
Genre –
Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, School Life.
Vol 1-10.5 epub/pdf
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Volume 1-6. Amazing. Will always have a place in my heart.
Volume 7 onwards. It is only a little bit better than MTL. Some (crucial) parts aren’t even understandable. Please don’t get your hopes up like I did. I had been waiting so… so… long for this, but was very disappointed because no one will properly translate Volume 7 onwards now that this barely edible version is available. A decent summary would have been better than this ‘translation’.
Volume 1 is missing the second chapter