Choose the link
Links that start with
As soon as you click this link you will see this image if not close the tab, return to the website and click the link again
Solve the captacha and click the “click here to continue” button
After that, you will see a page like this (if not close the tab and click the “click here to continue” button again), wait for the counter to hit 0, and then press the “continue” button
Click the “Download link here” (if you don’t see the same thing then close the tab and click the “Continue” button again)
After that, you will see a page like this (if not close the tab and click the “Download link here” button again), wait for the counter to hit 0, and then press the “Get Link” button
if you don’t see the same thing then close the tab and click the “Get Link” button again
Verify that you are human by clicking that button
Solve the captacha and click the “click here to continue” button
After that, you will see a page like this (if not close the tab and click the “click here to continue” button again), wait for it to generate the link then press the “view generated link” button
After that, you will see a page like this (if not close the tab and click the “view generated link” button again), wait for the counter to hit 0, and then press the “Get LINK” button
if you don’t see the same thing then close the tab and click the “Get Link” button again