Looks like I’ve been reincarnated into a gamelike world filled with monsters and dungeons. But don’t worry—it’s nothing I can’t handle. I chose Creation Magic for my unique skill, you see, and it lets me make whatever item I want…so long as I’ve got enough mana. Ah, there’s always a catch, isn’t there? But where there’s a rule, there’s a loophole—and this little witch knows just the trick to expand her mana pool a bit more each day.As for what I’ll be up to in the meantime, first I’ll make a friend. (Literally. Golems are a thing in this world.) Next, I’ll make some tracks. (And the sooner, the better. The goddess dropped me off in the middle of the wastelands). Then finally, one day, I’ll make myself a place where I can truly belong. (That’s the plan, at least.) Time to make some magic!
Associated Names
I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witch ~My Different World Life With My Reincarnation Privilege [Creation Magic] and the [Seed of Magic]~
Maryoku Cheat na Loli Majo ni Narimashita ~ Tensei Tokuten no “Souzou Mahou” to “Fushigi na Kinomi” de Isekai Seikatsu ~ (Old title)
Maryoku Cheat na Majo ni Narimashita ~ Souzou Mahou de Kimama na Isekai Seikatsu ~
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shoujo Ai, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Translation Group
Official J-Novel Club
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IDK why people comparing this to Kuma. In Kuma the MC has gate that allows her to reconnect with her friends so there’s really no sense of farewells. Has bearphones as well Lifespan is the same across all characters. They’re all human.
In this novel however the MC has vast amount of mana and she’s immortal and people age die around her. There are also tons of sad farewells and she only spend like a couple of paragraphs when reuniting with friends 😂
While decent. People who have trauma being abused by other people might wanna avoid reading this. There are bad guys here who are treated with kindness by MC because Japanese don’t kill. Like that one A-Rank participant who killed and was still allowed to participate despite all that and MC used her magic to aid him.
MC has a battered wife syndrome
bro, this LN keep giving me a bad dream for some reason, especially vol3 make me realize i would part with my family eventually, those farewell and reminiscing part kinda affecting me too much
Omg, another chapter??? Yayyyyyyyy🥰😍
volume 6, and so far so good to me. i kinda like the overall feel of the series and the way the story is written. despite being more like a slice of life, and despite the FMC wanting more like a slow relaxing life, it still has enough action to put a lot of more serious “adventure” series to shame. characters, especially the FMC are all likeable, and despite how the series is laid out, in the sense that the main body of the story is more like a “recap” of what she did, i’m still interested to read about the journey in between. pacing is good with a nice mix of slower stuff too along with the action, and it’s a comfy and enjoyable read for the most part. one of the better ongoing series around imo of this genre.
Agreed, I really enjoy this series a lot. Vol. 6, over 70 years after starting her journey, Chise and Teto have a real relaxing life in the first half and lots of action in the second half. But I have to wonder, is this one of the last volumes? Here, many, many people, from the one’s still alive of former adventures, have a meet ‘n greet with the reader. Almost like to say a last goodbye.
Yay finally an update. It’s been months. Thank you
Volume 5 is on the longer side at 84k words, it’s the longest volume, which the author acknowledges in the afterword. It was good thanks
Volume 4 is missing tho
I partially agree with Len’s comment, it was weird and rushed how Chise just left her adopted daughter’s life like she was dropping a hot potato, but Selene marrying like a noble would is fairly normal and realistic, maybe not thematically appropriate but oh well.
Thanks for volume 4 it was good.
just finished volume 4 and this series really grew on me. i remember reading volume 1 back then thinking it was an easy to read comfy isekai slice of life, but didn’t really blow me away. but then over volume 2 and especially 3, the characters grew on me, and volume 4 was much of the same. looking forward to future volumes for sure!
I liked all the 3 volumes so far, but I found the ending to the 3rd to have a couple issues.
The way Chise just ups & leaves Selene seems like a way to rush the novel’s ending.
Having raised her from a baby for 11 years, to just up & leave her with just a note seems kind of a bad way to part for a young girl who was so attached to her adoptive mom.
They act like it is to protect Selene from being used(kidnapped/put in danger) as a way to get to Chise because of her Creation magic. But with so many people already knowing that Selene has been with Chise for years, just separating would change nothing at that point. Just as long as they stay out of public view into the future, it shouldn’t matter if they still had contact. With the transporter Chise made, they could have still have secretly kept in contact outside of public view. Visiting between the Princesses private villa & the Chise’s home in the wastelands without anyone knowing, which would allow for a more slowly separation over time as she grew up & became an adult. It just seems as the wrong way to end the story in my eyes.
The next issue was Chise raised Selene as her daughter & as a commoner. She was raised to be independent for her future. Thou she was a princess, i feel this marriage would have been something Chise would have had issues with. Selene’s marriage was arranged by her father & brothers, not by her independently. So it was more of a pushed political marriage outside of Selene’s full control. Her biological mother was a commoner who married for love out of choice. But yet her daughter who was raise as a commoner to be independent, was having her marriage choice for love taken away. which would remove her independent choice she was raise with from Chise. So I feel Chise might have had issues over this marriage.
But all in all, it was still a good story, just would have been a little better with the ending.
I love volume 3 so freaking much, I actually cried reading it. I’m excited for future volumes
Volume 3 pdf version…. Please
Oh, wow, while usually light hearted volume 3 had a very emotional tearjerker ending, that came as a surprise. It proves the series is deeper than it should be, somehow.
The series has some slow moments but in general the pace is fast, even skipping some years here and there. It’s a relaxing read overall.
Unexpectedly a good read. I think the weakest volume is vol2. It was really predictable but I enjoyed it. Vol3 was emotional and has a lot of character development. I enjoy this novel a lot and looking forward on Vol4
Nice a new volume. Volume 2 wasn’t all that but this one was really good I’m looking forward to number 4 now…
Yea Chisel has about as much characterization as Yuna from Kuma Bear, actually maybe a bit more with this volume 3, which is really saying something considering I’m in volume 19 of Kuma Bear (with the WN)
Anyway as for my previous comment I’m glad some people agree with me, well this LN is a little more serious than the other works I mentioned and it also has an overarching plot unlike those other two albeit a super relaxed one. Honestly I think is well written for a LN, having read some works with questionable quality myself…
I do not understand “poorly written” as critique for this LN in particular.
Ive read comments praising other LN despite those being written in poor formatting, plot progress and weird dialogue interactions.
This LN is written in a decent way.
The MC has about as much character as the MC from Kuma or “Abilitys average something”. Its not that deep, but also not that shallow.
In total, i´d rank this a nice, comfortable 7 out of 10, mostly due to it being a honestly decent slice of life with timeskips and more cute than shock-value interactions.
poorly written
conversations are short and therefore characters are all quite lack luster and forgettable
power growth starts with some promise but quickly devolves into OP protagonist and after every fight is a complete stomp
locations are also forgettable as the protagonist speed runs through them (in the starter town the only places she visits are the library and the inn and nobody in those locations gets more than a single conversation + these conversations are incredibly short)
MC and SideC have the collective depth of a kiddly pool
ultimately 2/5 book read if you love things like Kuma bear and your have run out of things like it to read
It’s kind of a mix between Kuma Bear and Potions which I really like, this is not as good as neither but I liked it anyway, looking forward to new volumes
I absolutely agree with this Pelouch’s comment.
yes. this Pelouch’s comment is agreeable indeed
First volume was sorta interesting, second volume was so bland and formulaic I dropped it. There’s an orphanage. They’re in a city with an adventurer’s guild. Can you guess what happens? I bet you can.
Sounds like its pretty generic to me.
Vol 2 when, I need more
Just a quick warning, don’t read chapter 0 (LN 1). This introduction chapter takes place 500y in the future. It’s kind of a big spoiler. Letting you know what the end result of the witch’s journey is going to be.
No idea bout kuma
Good Read so far (Vol 1)
Feel good, comfy, does NOT contain detailed essays on how to cook, do skills, do magic or similar (which is an issue i feel that newer LN have).
Characters are okay, world is decent-ish fantasy realistic with no obvious “I AM EVIL AND EAT KITTENS” around so far.
If you’ve read Kuma Kuma Bear, it’s exactly like that.