A Livid Lady’s Guide to Getting Even – How I Crushed My Homeland with My Mighty Grimoires

The border conflict between the Kingdom of Sarjas and the Yutear Empire gave Elizabeth her first opportunity to take revenge. After thwarting the plans of her worst enemy, Prince Friede, and utterly destroying his closest friend, Robert, Elizabeth returns to the imperial capital. Unrest is growing in the Kingdom of Haldoria, but she is still far too weak to take on its power and vassal states by herself. She must keep growing her firm, Traitre, and extend her influence. Fortunately, the emperor may have provided her the perfect opportunity: a chance to obtain an invaluable certification, called a Special License, that comes with a wide array of benefits. All she has to do is prove herself worthy in the eyes of the sovereigns of the financial world—the seven members of the Empire’s Merchants’ Guild Council.

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Comments 4

  • The illustrations are generic shoujo which fooled me into thinking that this was a slice-of-life story whose tag got missed. It does start out like any dime-a-dozen framed-villainess who decides to start her own business (but hasn’t been isekai-ed lol). Cue the slice-of-life scenes: MC adopts moe girls and she sets up a thriving business with the help of her personal maid.

    Halfway through the book, some military/mercenary conflict happens and MC reencounters a character who previously wronged her. She ends him in brutal fashion, and was IMO straight up cruel in drawing it out, although arguably within the bounds of period-typical violence. Book 1 ends as two somewhat disjointed halves.

    I normally like hyper-competent MCs, but the NPCs / minor antagonists never put up enough of a struggle to make the conflict feel engaging so she comes off overpowered — and amoral in a non-interesting manner (brutality as above).
    Skimmed through book 2: the other commenters’ warnings about the shadowy cabal are valid. Overall, I don’t find its worldbuilding and character crafting engaging enough. Dropped, 2/5

  • I have to agree with the previous commenter in more or less every point.

    First we finally have a rare strong woman as the MC who is intelligent and more than that also absolutely ruthless. That being said she has a moralic compass and quite won´t go any anything goes routes. Next plus point is that there are no stupid forced romantic interests for her. This is what normaly destroys storys with female MCs. While there are man around her none of these relationships have any romantic hints and she herself has more important stuff to do anyway.

    I also think that the whole thing with this secret obviously evil organization is garbage. All of the introduced members are your typical trash humans and it´s obvious that this is used to extent the story further than her actuall revenge.

    Overall the first 2 volumes were a very nice read and it´s great to have another female MC done right story since they are so incredibly rare.

  • Read up to Vol 1

    Its fairly decently written, if littered with the usual tropes and characters.

    The “crushing” part is to be read as “MC being actually doing all the things to destroy and hurt her enemies”. While there´s clear parallels to similar LN plots, this one has more viciousness to it in some parts.

    • After reading Vol 2:

      Its not really revenge **** nor “Everyone lives happily after hugging it out” plot progression, and there is thankfully little to no superfluous cruelty or extra drama/brutality.

      The NPC´s involved are usually competent assholes or self-interested competent, meaning its actually not “Everyone evil/bad is is a stupid moron” writing or plot, and the MC´s allies are also similar.

      While all of this is pretty decent combined with the okay writing, in Vol 2 a group of highly specialized operatives is fully introduced as reason for a lot of the things happening (Sabotagin/influencing MC´s Prince ex, helping out by providing strong military force, sabotaging another kingdom).

      The employer of that group is not yet mentioned/implied , but it looks very well like the “hidden shadow cabal sabotages everything” trope.
      And i honestly do not like this kind of subplot. Its usually there to fuck over a MCs/NPCs reasonable and competent decisions while totally blindsiding them.
      There is a chance its not going to be as bad, or/and that shadow group being employed by factions already named, though.

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