Awkward, introverted Amaori Renako is leaving her lonely middle school life behind, determined to become an outgoing and popular high schooler. Glamorous, confident Oduka Mai is Renako’s total opposite: wealthy, carefree, and a literal fashion model. Against the odds, the two girls form an immediate connection. Renako thinks she may have found the best friend of her dreams…until Mai’s love confession sends her feelings into a tailspin. Renako wants to prove to Mai that being BFFs is better than being girlfriends, but Mai is dead set on convincing Renako that they’re destined to be lovers!
Associated Names –
There’s No Way I Can Have a Lover! *Or Maybe There Is!?
Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wakenaijan, Muri Muri! (*Muri Janakatta!?)
Genre –
Comedy, Harem, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life, Yuri
Translation Group
Official Seven Seas
Vol 1-4 epub/pdf
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Vol. 4 please
5star yuri
man, another yuri ln for me to read!!! i feel so blessed
Finally, I’ve already read the 4 volumes thanks to a fan that translated it, but I’m happy that it’s been officially released in English.
where to find it ?