When Light is kicked out of the Concord of the Tribes, his former comrades instantly turn on him. Light escapes this diabolical act of betrayal by the skin of his teeth…only to find himself in the deepest part of the Abyss, the most dangerous dungeon in the realm! To avoid being eaten by carnivorous monsters, he uses the Unlimited Gacha, his sole magical skill. But where it previously only produced junk items, this time Mei—a gorgeous Level 9999 fighter in a maid outfit—springs forth! Fast forward three years and Light has carved out his own kingdom in this backwater dungeon, summoning more beautiful Level 9999 warriors who swear absolute fealty to him. Now a powerful Level 9999 Overlord himself, Light plans to ascend to the surface and take revenge on his betrayers one by one!
Associated Names
Infinite Gacha
I Was Almost Killed by My Comrades Inside the Dungeon, but I Used the Gift from “Infinite Gacha” and Got Level 9999 Friends. I’ll Take Revenge on My Ex-party Members and the World. Serves You Right!
Shinjiteita Nakama-tachi ni Dungeon Okuchi de Korosarekaketa ga Gift “Mugen Gacha” de Level 9999 no Nakama-tachi wo Te ni Irete Moto Party Member to Sekai ni Fukushuu & “Zamaa!” Shimasu!
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Shounen
Translation Group
Official J-Novel Club
Vol 1-6 epub/pdf
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Not sure why do somebody ever giving this series too hard but I think I can enjoy this series especially when you like to see the bad guys get their karma, especially Light’s former party members who will get
Plus, here is my take about how everybody trying to make comparison between Light and Raoul: In my experience of reading both LN, at the VERY least Light has his Gacha allies he called as friends and even there are some descent non-human people too (Poor guy got betrayed by the people he deemed as “friends” and if you read their backstories with each arc, how can you folks NOT feel for tge guy). Raoul, on the other hand, if you ask me, has nobody ever see the morals inside the guy? Raoul’s world fill with irredeemable jerks I can understand but how is Raoul be any different than these punks?
BTW, Volume 7 would be generous
I ended the story by just reading the title lol!
I don’t know how I did, but I managed to make it to volume 6, and this is gonna have to be where I drop this.
You’d think the author of this hates humanity considering how vile his depictions of cruelty towards the humans here are and just how often these depictions come up. He somehow manages to shoehorn a human being murdered in new unimaginably cruel methods, and it’s become literally nauseating at this point.
The only thing this novel has going for it is when Light gets revenge on the nonhumans in equally brutal fashions, but since that only really happens at the end of each novel, it means you have to try and stomach all of the gratuitous brutality until the end, and for me, that’s just become impossible.
I can usually tolerate (though never enjoy) senseless violence, but this is just entirely too much. Call me a baby if you want, I’ll gladly accept your ridicule over continuing this gore fest any day.
lmao the title
volume 6 please 🙏 ❤️
Man accidentally wrote the “synopsis” in place of “Title”. 💀
This a bullshit. -99/10
volume 4 please
The title is bigger then the description
Lel 😂 I had to laugh
volume 5 please 🙏 ❤️
All those gachas and the server shut down.
Thank you for the update! ^_^
The author seriously lucked out with the illustrator, they’re pretty good.
The story is just fine probably the best revenge LN behind failure frame, not that there are many of those, the setting is interesting at least, with all the racism(elves hate humans that kind of thing) is easy to create conflict. You have to be somewhat desensitized to the female subordinates fawning over MC to an absurd degree tho, It’s otherwise hard to read, author tones it down eventually but it’s obvious it’s a feature.
Even if I get bored I’ll still check out the illustrations at least so I hope to see more volumes. Also yea it has a stupidly long title
Surprisingly better than anticipated writing.
The world is a shitfest of asshole attitude everywhere.
MC is an okay person with moderate character
Reads like someone smooshed ideas from several popular LN/Anime together and blended em in an okay manner
Would keep reading while nothing else is available.
Yesss finally vol 2!. Thanks a lot.
Volume 2 please
didnt expect i’m gonna comment here.
Yesterday i choose random manga to read (because i was bored) and find this manga adaptation. I thought it’s gonna be generic “strong party kick me but actually they strong because of me” thing. Surprisingly the manga was good enough to read.
The MC is like Raoul from “Fukushuu o Koinegau” although he still has a little bit of naivety. He create plans to take revenge to each of his former party members. Just like Raoul, he give their target an hope before crush it in front of them.
Not gonna read the LN, i think i’ll just read the manga
The main difference between Light and Raoul here is, from my personal experience, is that Light at least has a sense of morality because of the Gacha summons he deems as friends. Not to mention the backstories from his former party members themselves. As for Raoul from “Fukushuu o Koinegau”, how does his revenge goes again?
And this is coming from a guy who read all three of the WN, LN and Manga
Not good. Giving this a 4.5/10 is still pretty generous. The 1st volume and it’s already laden with filler. The dialogues are ridiculously repetitive in an over the top manner of servitude. The potentially good parts are simply skipped over. How he goes from level 12 to 9999, oh let’s just skip 3y ahead. Run in with bandits oh let’s just mentionit in a footnote. Registering with the guild oh we did that at some point. The magic system is stupid, the leveling system is stupid…
Thank you! Waiting for the PDF update ^-^
Thank you!! Waiting for the PDF update!!! ^_^
You’re supposed to put the synopsis on the back of the book, not in the title…
thought i’ll read this for the lulz. couldn’t get past 25%. i.. just… couldn’t.
same i was going to read it for a quick laugh but it is so unbearably, painfully cringe that its just sad, i couldnt get past chapter 1
I can live with a bad story OR bad writing OR unlikable characters if it just does something right. But this is … I think this is the worst ever LN without even something slightly good or interesting. It is just cringe. This is one of the very few books I had to drop after about an hour of reading.
people called synopsis tittle nowadays
I’ll read this, it reminds me of Arifureta minus the isekai. Idc about how cringe is this, I’m bored and since this is a harem I’ll definitely read it… I have a trash taste so I don’t mind reading trash.
Btw, the title was too short, I saw some longer titles than this on novel updates.
if there is achievements for this kind of thing, you would deserve one.
Dropped it at the point when he even uses some golem or what ever to do his Gacha rolls…
Yeahhh finally
Tried the start. It is as bad as it sounds
This mf created a new concept of spoiler
What cringefest of a novel…
Wtf is that title!?
I already know the content without reading OMG
I will read this
Who needs to read the novel when the title is as long as the novel?
Whole spoiler at the title lol
How many layers of irony are we at?
The title length is plain absurd. Who the fuck come with the name?
My God! what a long title lmao
This has to be the most bland synopsis I’ve ever seen. Publishers are just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what the retards will pay for.