In the town of Lindworm where monsters and humans coexist, Dr. Glenn runs an exemplary medical clinic for monster girls with his lamia assistant, Sapphee. Whether receiving a marriage proposal by a centaur injured in battle, palpating the injury of a mermaid, or suturing the delicate wounds of a flesh golem, Dr. Glenn performs his job with grace and confidence. But when an unsavory character seeks to steal a harpy egg, how will the unflappable Dr. Glenn respond…?
Genre –
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Shounen.
Associated Names –
Monster Musume Harem wo Tsukurou!
Translation Group
Official Seven Seas
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Volume 10 is out 🙂
Do we have any news about the final volume, Volume 10? That’s long been out.
I’m wondering the same
Awesome thank for The volume
Volume 7 is out! Yay!
Update plz n thnx
Any update on when volume 7 will be uploaded? It should be out by now.
How much does the anime cover from the light novels?
Thank you for vlo 6 waited very long for this
Thank you!
thanks so much!
Sorry, it still RAW …
Vol 03 should already released by now …