Kanou Shinichi is a young, secluded otaku who is offered a job thanks to his vast knowledge of anime, manga and video games. However, just after meeting his new employer, he is kidnapped, and awakens in an alternate world with a fantasy setup. Shinichi is then informed that he was in fact selected by the Japanese government to help improve his country’s relations with this new world by establishing a company to spread the unique products of the Japanese culture to this new, unexplored market.
Genre –
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Slice of Life.
Translation Group
Official J-Novel Club
Vol 1-18 & Gaiden epub/pdf
(Download any Selected or full)
Latest Update: Gaiden
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Sorry for all the messages but only approve the “Gabriel” name one, and discard this and the first. THX
Really appreciate the effort and sharing the volumes ^^
18 is the last one right?? Any ETA on when we could expect it??
Again thx!
can someone summarize the story a little more?
Where does the Anime leave off?
I wanna pick this up but 126 vols is a little much to catch up on…
When is vol16 going to be added? It’s already available on J-Novel.
Thnx for the update!
Volume 15 when
vol-15 & vol-16 have been released but they aren’t present here
Are you will continue publishing the volumes :,D ? I hope yes please
This site is awesome! Thanks a lot, justln
can someone tell me which one last volume from anime ??
link not working will not go past the shribkearn area just hangs there
see this how to download
don’t be lazy and see the whole video
Thank you and wish you a happy new year!
Thank you, I always appreciate for your fast update !
check what is written in the front of download button
Thank you!