The romantic comedy light novel series centers on the gaming lives of various high school students who play video games, including: Keita Amano, a lonely young man who loves video games; Karen Tendō, the beautiful president of the video game club; Chiaki Hoshinomori, who constantly fights with Keita; and Tasuku Uehara, who puts on a facade of being satisfied with his life in the real world, but he in truth loves video games.
Genre –
Comedy, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life.
Translation Group
Confused Translations
Vol 1-12 & SS epub/pdf
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Latest Update: Vol 9-12 & SS
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Thank you very much. I saw that there is some DLC chapters available, It would be great if you could upload them.
Would you be updating with the DLC volumes?
fuck you scammer pice of shit!
Please be more polite towards jln
Just mind your own fucking business and don’t criticise our life saviours
Really thank you very much!
Finally thank you so much
Wow thanks for the latest update
Novel completely translated at skythewood
and volume 11 too
Please add volume 9 and 10 both are complete from skythewood
Any news when volume 9 will be added? It’s finished
gamers vol 9 already done sir/ma am.
gamers vol 8 is updated too..
Gamers vol 7 is updated.
hey any new update? look like sky already done translate vol 6 thank you
hay can you update vol 6 it look like it has done translate by skythewood, thank you very much
hello pls update vol 6 sky already done translate it thank
I think volume 6 is already finish being translated
Just fyi, your_pingas is translating this and has done up until Vol.05
hello. sky is currently translating volume 6 so I think Vol 1-5 is alredy available
Is it possible to get an update for volume 3, it finished less than 2 weeks ago
is this serie picked up yet?
Hi I was wondering if you are still going to continue translating the gamers light novel series.thanks