The story is set in a parallel world to original Fate/stay night, where the House of Einzbern summoned a Ruler rather than an Avenger in the Third Holy Grail War, and the Holy Grail was removed from Fuyuki City to Romania after the war. Thus the events of Fate/stay night and Fate/Zero never happened. It focuses on the conflict between the two opposing factions, Red and Black, each summoning seven Servants and the Grail itself summoning a special Ruler-class servant as a mediator of the Holy Grail War. The Red faction members are mages sent by the Clock Tower Mage’s Association, while the Black faction members are part of a Romanian group of magi called Yggdmillennia.
Action, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural
Associated Names:-
Fate/Apocrypha: Unbirth
Translation Group
Nanodesu , Quality Translation
Vol-1-4 epub/pdf (Vol 3 is incomplete)
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