High-school student Koremitsu Akagi finds himself attending the funeral of Hikaru Mikado, who had died in an accident during Golden Week. He’s not sure why he’s there, as he only exchanged a few words with Hikaru at school. However, Hikaru doesn’t seem to be completely gone from the world, as he comes back as a ghost in order to fulfill a promise to Aoi Saotome, his fiancée. Since Koremitsu is the only one who can see him, he asks him to carry out his promise in his place.
Complying with his request, Koremitsu tries to fulfill Hikaru’s promises to the rest of his “girlfriends”, helping them overcome past misunderstandings and repair broken relationships.
Associated Names –
When Hikaru was on the Earth……
Genre –
Drama, Harem, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life, Supernatural.
Translation Group
Vol 1-10 epub/pdf
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Status – Completed
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Sorry if this sounds rude and I doubt you’ll see it but for some reason my mobile devices are unable to load the fourth volume correctly, I either get an error or it opens with nothing inside. It however works for my laptop however. I ask if you could look into the issue if you can? If not then it’s fine by me and I hope you have a good day.
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