Monogatari Series

The Monogatari series centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third year high school student who is almost human again after briefly becoming a vampire. One day, a classmate named Hitagi Senjōgahara, who infamously never talks to anyone, falls down the stairs into Koyomi’s arms.

He discovers that Hitagi weighs next to nothing, in defiance of physics. Despite being threatened by her, Koyomi offers his help, and introduces her to Meme Oshino, a middle-aged homeless man who helped him stop being a vampire.

Some volumes are split into multiple stories which are identified by the ‘s1,2,3…’ in the releases.

Volumes 1-2: Bakemonogatari, 3: Kizumonogatari, 4-5: Nisemonogatari, 6-7: Nekomonogatari, 8: Kabukimonogatari , 9: Hanamonogatari, 10: Otorimonogatari, 11: Onimonogatari, 12: Koimonogatari, 13: Tsukimonogatari, 14: Koyomimonogatari, 15-17: Owarimonogatari, 18: Zokuowarimonogatari, 19: Orokamonogatari, 20: Wazamonogatari, 21: Nademonogatari

The author has also split the volumes into various seasons: First Season: Volumes 1-6, Second Season: Volumes 7-12, Final Season: Volumes 13-18, Off Season: Volumes 19-20

Comedy, Drama, Harem, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, School Life, Supernatural.

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