A near future, where humans have been defeated by the viral parasites named Gastrea. They have been exiled into small territories and live in despair, side by side with terror.In this world trapped in darkness—Rentaro, a boy living near Tokyo and member of “Civil Security” – organizations specializing in fighting against the Gastrea – is accustomed to accomplishing dangerous tasks. His partner is Enju, a precocious young girl. They fight thanks to their special powers until one day, when they receive a special assignment from the government. This top-secret mission is to prevent the destruction of Tokyo…Set in a near future, this thrilling heroic-action story… starts now!
Genre –
Action, Drama, Harem, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Sci-fi, Seinen, Tragedy.
Vol 1-7 epub/pdf
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Iirc, Vol 7 is the latest released LN. There’s should be Vol 8 but it’s been postponed for 6 years already. Due to author health.
Is* this series have been completed?
Os this series has been completed?